Our Clients
Past Projects
HUMAN RISK FACTORS CONSULTING & TRAINING Oil & Gas, Pulp Mills and Chemical Processing Companies

Fatigue Consulting
Conducted a comprehensive Fatigue Impact Risk Assessment Report detailing areas of operational demand that would increase risk in relation to fatigue. Organizational control mitigation and individual worker countermeasures in relation to specific assessed risk were detailed. In-Scope also provided comprehensive industry benchmarking for the organization to understand where their fatigue risk management strategies stood in relation to organizational peers, providing foundational work for creating a comprehensive fatigue risk management strategy for the organization.
Fatigue Consulting
Comprehensive assessment of existing risk factors through a Fatigue Impact Risk Assessment. Due to the pandemic, this was accomplished remotely through targeted interviews and discussions. Data and diagnostic information was then used to create a comprehensive report for senior leadership to understand existing risks and to suggest best practices for risk mitigation. A presentation will be provided to the senior leadership team to assist them in better understanding fatigue and the risks that exist in their operational requirements. A comprehensive Fatigue Risk Management Strategy (FRMS) will be built from these reports and collaborative discussions. Training will be provided for all employees in the plant and assistance will be provided for the FRMS implementation.
Stress Management Training
This stress training focused on practical strategies for managing stress in the workplace and at home. Offered as a half day workshop, this session assisted employees in understanding, assessing, and managing the stress in their lives. The training strove to provide insight into what causes stress and to empower attendees to take control of their stress to improve their health and their happiness.
Fatigue Consulting
Industry best practices information regarding fatigue risk management strategies was provided to key stakeholders of the TransCanada pipeline implementation project. Comprehensive information on understanding fatigue, the risks it creates in their work environment, and suggested best practice strategies for mitigation was provided with a follow up workshop leading to focused discussions on the best path forward.
PHMSA Fatigue Training
PHMSA compliant training was provided for control room operators and other impacted employees at this the oil and gas pipeline company. Training included detailing PHMSA requirements and highlighting fatigue countermeasures related to control room specifications. Assistance was also provided in ensuring the revised FRMS fully met all PHMSA requirements.
Fatigue Training
Provided extensive training on best practices on fatigue risk mitigation for senior management, managers, supervisors, shift work employees, and general employees at the chemical refining plant.
Fatigue Training
Provided numerous workshops and organizational support for assisting the union in working with employers in better understanding fatigue management and psychological health and safety. Comprehensive work also involved training at various nuclear plants and coal refining plants.
Fatigue Training
Provided training programs and workshops to assist managers, supervisors, and workers in better understanding fatigue risks and mitigation in relation field operation in the oil and gas industry.
Fatigue Training
Provided training programs and workshops to assist managers, supervisors, and workers in better understanding fatigue risks and mitigation in relation to field operation in the oil and gas industry.
Fatigue Training for Supervisors
This complete training session provided mine supervisors the necessary skills to: understand the risks and hazards associated with fatigue, to understand the causes and effects of fatigue, and to successfully implement a 5 Level Fatigue Risk Management Plan designed to mitigate the risks of fatigue in the underground mining operations. The resource includes a training resource manual, PowerPoint presentation, and related activities.
Fatigue Training for Workers
This training resource focuses on teaching workers to understand that fatigue is not "just a little tired". Hazards and risks associated with working while fatigued are outlined. Workers are taught to understand the causes and effects of fatigue and are given several assessment tools to quantitatively measure fatigue levels. Mitigation strategies are clearly outlined and the steps they need to follow for the 5 Level Fatigue Risk Management Plan are detailed. The resource includes a training resource manual, PowerPoint presentation, related activities, assessment, and follow up tool box talks.
Online Fatigue Training Course Customization
Facilitated the conversion of In-Scope Solution’s online fatigue management training program to be customized to Alcoa organizational requirements including rebranding, company specific policy and procedure adherence, and customization of overall information for supervisors and workers at the plant and head offices.
Fatigue Workshop Training for Workers and Supervisors
Created a customized half day training workshop to allow supervisors and workers to understand health and safety risks associated with fatigue in the workplace. The workshop created an understanding of responsibilities, existing cultural and workplace barriers, and suggested organizational supports. It focused on empowering attendees through practical and implementable strategies designed to mitigate fatigue risks and better manage impairment concerns in the workplace.

HUMAN RISK FACTORS CONSULTING & TRAINING Aeronautics, Aviation & Engineering
Fatigue and Stress Training
Presentation on Managing Stress and Fatigue During Covid. Through several months of consultation with NASA officials, a comprehensive online presentation was created reflecting NASA employee issues related to Covid. In-Scope Solutions created the material and delivered the online presentation to be distributed to all agencies across the country. In-Scope Solutions also brought in a medical doctor, Dr. Ajiri Ikede, specializing in aviation fatigue management to provide a 10-minute segment to ensure all client needs were met.
Fatigue Consulting
Keynote speaker for three-day working session with safety professionals from Agencies across the country focusing on enhancing fatigue management at NASA. During this three-day workshop, presentations were provided and specific activities and discussions were held to create enhanced fatigue risk assessment and mitigation at each Agency location.
(Glenn Research Center – Cleveland)
(Plumbrook Research Center – Sandusky)
Fatigue Speaker Presentation
Keynote speaker for NASA safety days providing 60 to 90-minute presentations on fatigue management requirements at NASA.
Fatigue and Stress Consulting
Provided consultation, discussions with senior leadership, and training to engineers and pilots regarding fatigue and stress mitigation for scientific field research and atmospheric testing flight.

HUMAN RISK FACTORS CONSULTING & TRAINING Municipalities and Other Industry Clients

In-Scope Solutions provided a Fatigue Management Presentation for the Joint Northern/Southern Alberta Safety Council
In-Scope Solutions provided a keynote presentation for their conference entitled Emotionally Intelligent Leadership. How Does Your EQ Influence Your Safety Leadership? This presentation was one of the two headline presentations for the conference.
In-Scope Solutions provided consultation and course review for the organizations safety training courses relating to the CRSP.
ISS provided overview consulting and fatigue management training for employees at the city of Edmonton. The work focused on developing customized training resources and providing necessary fatigue management and contractor fatigue management training.
ISS provided extensive consultation and training on fatigue management for Parkland county. A fatigue risk management outline was detailed for the county and support was provided to begin training and implementation toward fatigue risk management.
ISS presented fatigue management training to workers at the County of Barrhead. Training involved multiple sessions and focused on fatigue specific to work being conducted.
ISS presented multiple times to the Smoky Lake Municipality on various topics including fatigue management, safety management, and stress resiliency.

Fatigue Consulting
A member of the Rebel Sleep Foundation Board of Directors and Advisory Council. Support is provided for organizational direction, sales strategies in relation to targeted clients, and consultation for Rebel clients when needed.
Fatigue Consulting
DDLC is an Industry Association that provides support for organizations such as Pepsi, Coca Cola, UPS, DS Services, and other companies whose key operational requirements involve direct delivery transportation. Multiple workshops have been conducted to assist these industry clients in better understanding fatigue in relation to safety and operational demands. Workshop focuses have included a general understanding of fatigue risks and mitigation, key areas of operational risk, and best practice strategies for creating comprehensive fatigue risk management strategies.
Fatigue Consulting
Workshops were conducted with the senior leadership team to assist them in understanding risks related to fatigue. Comprehensive information highlighting fatigue risks specific to the organization, ROI and suggested best practices was provided and used to create a comprehensive Fatigue Risk Management Strategy (FRMS).
Fatigue Consulting
Worked with the organization to provide training to senior leadership, managers, and supervisors to assist them in better understanding fatigue risks inherent to their operations. An informal review of their pending fatigue risk management strategy was provided with suggestions given on how to enhance the suggested strategic approach. Resources will be provided to assist them with implementation of their FRMS.
Psychological Health and Safety Consulting
Provided consultation to Heartlands senior leadership team to assist them in understanding new harassment and violence legislation. The consultation focused on necessary organizational enhancements relating to harassment, violence, and other elements of the 13 psychosocial factors of psychological health and safety.
Online Fatigue Training Course Development
Developed a comprehensive online training course to assist supervisors and workers in understanding and managing fatigue in the workplace. The course focuses on recognition of fatigue as a health and safety risk, basic physiology of fatigue, barriers to fatigue management, applicable legislation, and comprehensive organizational and individual fatigue countermeasures.

Drafting Proposed OHS Fatigue Legislation
Created the draft of proposed Fatigue Legislation that was reviewed for the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code. This legislation draft was accompanied by a 'sample' Industry Best Practice on Fatigue for the O&G and Mining Industries. This extensive Fatigue Industry Best Practice document was designed to show the type of industry practices that could be used to support the Legislation should it be adopted. Legislation passed first review but stalled in government channels during consideration of enactment.
Fatigue Guiding Principles Agreement Development
Created original draft of the Fatigue Guiding Principles Agreement for the Canadian Oil and Gas Industry based on collaborative input from a key O&G Safety Association Industry Initiatives Team and the Fatigue Steering Committee, as well as formal feedback gathered from the Industry Input and Engagement Workshop on Fatigue. This Guiding Principles Agreement was later approved by the Fatigue Steering Committee and ratified by the six key trade associations for the Canadian Oil and Gas Industry.
Fatigue Variance Negotiation
Worked with a major mining company to negotiate a variance with the Yukon Workers Compensation Health and Safety Board (YWCHSB). This company was the third mine to apply for this government variance from the strict new provincial fatigue-based HOS legislation recently put into place and the first to successfully achieve the variance. Facilitated meetings with both the senior mine management team and the Yukon government were critical to developing collaborative understandings to allow negotiations to remain positive and be successful.
Fatigue Steering Committee Project Manager
As the direct liaison for the Fatigue Steering Committee, responsibilities included organizing and developing all key Fatigue Steering Committee initiatives in collaboration with the industry committee chair. Committee work incorporated multiple committee presentations and creation of the Fatigue Strategy Summaries, the Fatigue Strategy Initiatives, the Fatigue Strategy Alignment, and the Committee project plan.


(IOSH was formerly known as the Petro-chemical Safety Council)
Fatigue Industry Best Practice Guideline Development
Guided the association through the development of the fatigue management industry best practices document. This best practice guideline is designed for upstream oil and gas and resource extraction industries, providing standards and guidance on how to best assess fatigue risks and implement comprehensive fatigue mitigation.
Industry Input and Engagement Workshop on Fatigue
Initiated, organized and co-facilitated the Industry Input and Engagement Workshop on Fatigue that gathered key decision makers in the Canadian Oil and Gas Industry to provide policy input into O&G Industry Fatigue Risk Management Strategies. This invitation only workshop was attended by executive level decision makers (CEO and VP level of major industry corporations), key representatives of the 6 trade associations, and members of the Fatigue Steering Committee.
Worked directly with a variety of industry groups and associations to facilitate understandings and industry guidelines in association with fatigue management. Although some industries did not move forward, work was done with other groups to create an understanding of the associated issues regarding fatigue management. Work was often then conducted to assist in building consensus regarding industry standards and guidelines. Strategies and tools were then created to assist the industry in helping individual organizations implement the newly developed standards. Industries worked with include:
- FSLC – Fleet Safety Leadership Council
- DDLC - Direct Delivery Leadership Council
- AMTA - Transportation Industry Association
- AHSA - Alberta Hospitality Safety Association
- ACSA - Alberta Construction Safety Association
- AMHSA Alberta Municipal Health and Safety Association
- AOHNA - Alberta Occupational Health Nurses Association
- AGLC - Alberta Gambling and Liquor Commission
- CEPA - Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
- AOSSA - Alberta Occupational Safety Auditors Association
- CAGC – Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors
- MHSA - Manufacturers' Health & Safety Association
- SSNS - Safety Services Nova Scotia
Psychological Health and Safety Best Practice Support
- IOSH - Industrial Occupational Safety & Health Association
O&G Industry Benchmarking on Fatigue Management
Conducted research examining fatigue management practices of industry peers for an O&G service company client. Information gathered on current and best practices regarding fatigue management was utilized to assist in designing targeted fatigue control solutions for identified fatigue risk exposures.
Fatigue Research
Completed a multiphase research project in preparation for the Industry Input and Engagement Workshop on Fatigue. Research included current scientific and industry research on fatigue and review of over 50 industry-based fatigue reports, with special focus placed Fatigue Risk Management Strategy (FRMS) policies from other industries. A straw document of components of other industry FRMS was completed and shared with industry. A summary of key findings was presented to executive level decision-makers, key industry association representatives, as well as members of the Fatigue Steering Committee.
Pump Jack Safety Research
Conducted extensive industry background research regarding pump jacks in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. Initial research included multiple industry interviews, two days of Lufkin Pump Jack Training School, discussions with OHS specialists, and training instructor interviews. Research assessed applicable legislation across Alberta, BC, and Saskatchewan. This research was used to create the Beam Pump Safety Project, Initial Fact-Finding Report and to complete the Beam Pump Safety Project phase one on-site safety assessments. Follow up research included interviews with beam pump manufacturer and with multiple producer (CAPP) and service provider (PSAC) company representatives.

Report on OHS Educational Landscape and Key Stakeholder Needs
Conducted an extensive employer survey and developed an in-depth analysis and research report on the current state of the health and safety profession and OHS education. The project focused on providing complete industry analysis for a proposed new continuing education program.
Technical Paper
Created a technical paper designed on illustrating rationale and methodology of competency assessments for the client’s executive level clientele. That paper focused on explaining the assessment methodology, interpretation, competency development, and data utilization of the client’s international regulatory assessment process.
Fatigue Portfolio Project Management
Managed the Fatigue Portfolio including all communications with a large O&G industry association advisory committee (board of directors) regarding portfolio initiatives and progress. The key fatigue related industry initiatives developed within this portfolio were 3 industry focused workshops attended by over 180 industry representatives, creation of the 2012 Fatigue Strategy Initiatives, leading initiatives with the Fatigue Steering Committee, and development of the Fatigue Guiding Principles Agreement.
Beam Pump Safety Project Management
Managed this project from writing the initial Creative Sentencing grant proposal submission, to the complete development of the comprehensive three phase project. Project work also included creation of the project charter, executive summary, GANTT timeline, and all related project strategy and documentation. Completed initial industry research, coordinated site visits for a variety of consultants working on the project, and completed pump jack on-site safety assessments. Phase two of this project will include liaisoning with a development committee focused on creating an industry guideline on beam pump safety.
Project Management
Management of this project included liaisoning with key government representatives, supervising the translation of several Guides to Safe Work documents into both Spanish and French, supervising industry review of multiple O&G Industry Guideline and Industry Recommended Practice documents to better understand industry response and usage of these important guidelines. A 350-page final report and comprehensive audit were submitted to Alberta Human Services to successfully complete this grant project.
Project Management for Industry Guideline Development
Provided project management for the guideline development and revision work for the following Canadian Oil and Gas Industry guidelines: Fatigue Guide for Employers, Fatigue Guide to Safe Work (for workers), Slips, Trips and Falls Guide to Safe Work (for workers), Return to Work Employers Guide.


On-Site Fatigue Risk Assessment
Conducted a two-day fatigue hazard assessment at a large copper mine site. This hazard assessment reviewed the following fatigue risk factors: mental and physical work demands, work scheduling and planning, environmental conditions and individual and non-work factors. Risk assessment results were graphed and quantified and presented to both senior mine management and the Yukon government (YWCHSB). Results were used to create the 5 Level Fatigue Risk Management Plan.
On-Site Safety Assessment
On-site safety assessments focused on a formal hazard assessment and task analysis of industry safety practices for work on and around pump jacks. Site visits to 16 worksites across three provinces were conducted with 6 prime contractors and 9 service provider companies. Over 59 worker interviews and 12 supervisor interviews were conducted. Field notes and photo logs from the worksites visited were used to create the Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment Final Research Report and to present findings to the Beam Pump Safety Guideline Development Committee.
On-Site Safety Audit
Participated in a large-scale audit focused on assessing health and safety standards currently employed at the Suncor facilities. The audits focused on health and safety management programs and systems in relation to audit protocols. Assessment was provided on fatigue and psychological health and safety issues and processes that aligned with audit scope.
Multiple Safety Audits
Certified as an External Auditor with an initial certification score of 98%. Recent audit participation includes BP - a large oil and gas company (500 employees), North Star - an international hydrovac company (auditing 7 locations across Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba); Leon’s - a national furniture retailer (with 5 locations across Alberta and over 600 provincial employees); Sobey’s - a national grocery and liquor chain (over 1000 national locations with almost 20 visited in Alberta); Trophy Foods - a local food manufacturing company (150 employees); and University of Calgary - a post-secondary institution (1500 employees).
University of Alberta
Developed the conceptual design, content, textbook resource and instructional activities for the University of Alberta’s Psychological Health and Safety Course. The course provides needed background information and practical strategies to assist safety professionals in managing mental health and illness in the workplace. The course was expanded after the first year from a seminar course to an integrated part of the core certificate curriculum and one of three courses in a specialty certificate in Health and Wellness.
University of Calgary
Developed curriculum and full course program to assist health and safety professionals in better understanding and managing the unique human factor risks of fatigue, stress, and psychological health and safety. This course currently runs for 39 synchronous instructional hours or for 10 weeks of asynchronous course instruction. It includes presentations, reading modules, and video support content, with formal and informal assessments integrated throughout.
University of New Brunswick
Developed curriculum and asynchronous instructional resources for the University of New Brunswick's OHS Advanced Diploma Program. Developed the initial course design, researched background and created course content for Psychological Health and Safety 4121. Courses include 39 hours of instruction time, activities, 3 formal assessment measures with two concluding projects/assignments.
University of New Brunswick
Developed curriculum and asynchronous instructional resources for the University of New Brunswick's OHS Advanced Diploma Program. Developed the initial course design, researched background and created course content for Fatigue Management 4271. Courses include 39 hours of instruction time, activities, 3 formal assessment measures with two concluding projects/assignments.

University of Alberta
Instructor for the University of Alberta in their Faculty of Extensions Occupational Health and Safety Program. Currently instructing Psychological Health and Safety, Introduction to Health and Safety Systems, and Management of Health and Safety Systems.
University of Calgary
Created the Fatigue and Stress Management course for HSE Professionals for the University. The course will run both online and in class and will be offered two or more times a year. The course provides needed background information and practical strategies to assist safety professionals in managing stress and fatigue in the workplace.
University of New Brunswick
Instructing for the University of New Brunswick's online Occupational Health and Safety Certificate and Advanced Diploma Program. Provide instructional support for Fatigue Management, Psychological Health and Safety, Safety Management Systems, Effective Communication, Human Performance Leadership, and Effective Workplace Training. The OHS program is an asynchronous online learning environment attended by students in Canada and internationally who are interested in developing professional skills and knowledge in health and safety.
Safety Stand Down Resources and Online Toolbox
Collaboratively created a variety of resources for the 2012 Safety Stand Down Campaign including Tool Box Talks, PowerPoint presentations, Facebook pages, industry recognition strategies, and worker feedback forms. Online Communication Tools were presented to oil and gas industry stakeholders at Lunch and Learn Events across the province.
Developed Certificate of Safety Leadership Curriculum
Created curricular outcomes and structure for one of the three courses in the Certificate of Safety Leadership Program. Developed content and provided instructional support for this specialized certificate program that was offered to safety professionals across the country.
Co-Developed Leadership Project
Co-developed content for the Alberta based pilot project focused on creating leadership development for health and safety professionals. This project involved four face to face workshop days with several self-contained follow up assignments. The pilot was well received, and future pilots were proposed for Halifax and Toronto with the intention of developing a national program.
Board of Registered Canadian Safety Professionals
Co-created the BCRSP approved Study Guide for Management Systems. This is the main resource for all safety professionals looking to review required information for the CRSP Certification Examination. The project involved assessing and revising existing content to reflect new domains and competency criteria. New content was developed and approved by the BCRSP Advisory Committee.
Safety Course Development
Created a credit based online introductory course focused on construction safety. This 25-hour course is designed for youth and adults planning to apprentice in the construction trade. The course covered Hazard Identification, Assessment and Evaluation, Ladder Safety, Fire Safety, Understanding Scaffolds and WHMIS.
Have received the following awards for Resource Development and Program Presentations: Top Act to Follow Award 2009 (member of team awarded), Semi-Finalist for the Excellence in Teaching Award 2008, BP Energy Scholarship Program 2008, A+ for Energy $10 000 Grant Award Winner 2008, Argyll Centre’s FIGHT 4 Earth Ambassador of the Year 2008.

For a complete download of In-Scope Solutions’ previous projects download the In-Scope Solutions Corporate Project List PDF
Marisela Silva
As one of your students in Business for HSE professionals, I wanted to let you know that was excellent not just because of the content, but most of all because of your expertise on teaching and on the subject.
Alicia Hewitt, Communications & PR Specialist Alberta Construction Safety Association, Edmonton AB
Susan’s presentation on Fatigue Management provided our delegates with some excellent material, and offered simple, practical solutions to what’s often experienced as a perplexing and difficult barrier to overcome, especially in the workplace. Her passion and charisma on stage captured the audience from beginning to end and her presentation style and format was uniquely engaging and easy to follow. We would highly recommend Susan as a presenter for any conference interested in exploring the causes and cures to fatigue.
Ali Heighton, Program Coordinator, IBEW Local 37, Fredericton, NB
In working with Susan leading up to the workshop, she was always very professional and on the ball. Upon meeting Susan at one of the workshops, I was not at all surprised to find that she was so kind and seemed to have a genuine interest in getting to know not only me, but the participants in the workshop.
Dennis Hudson, ASSE Executive Director
I wanted to let you know that you were the highest rated speaker at the ASSE PDC in Atlanta. What an achievement! You should be very proud. In any event, you have earned a prime day 1 slot for the Denver PDC.
Halim Lee Manager, Conference Development
Susan, you received the highest score from the delegate evaluation at our OHS Conference, I would be happy to invite you again to any of our future conferences!
Training Attendee
Susan, Thank you. Very well presented, relevant and useful information. You are extremely knowledgeable in your field.
Jenny Bruns, Safety Officer, County of Barrhead
Susan did an hour-long presentation, which she tailored specifically to our organization (including our staff pictures, positions, and culture). I just wanted to share how happy we were with her presentation, and working with Susan. She is a true professional, and very appropriately used humor, video, and facts, connecting to both public works and administration staff – which is not always easy!! She is very engaged and passionate about meeting your specific needs.
Ali Heighton, Program Coordinator, IBEW Local 37, Fredericton, NB
Our members that attended the workshop gave her rave reviews, and I look forward to working with her again sometime soon should the opportunity present itself.
Marisela Silva
As one of your students in Business for HSE professionals, I wanted to let you know that was excellent not just because of the content, but most of all because of your expertise on teaching and on the subject.
Dan Trottier, CSSE Chair, Red Deer
Thank you for making time to come and share with us your professional insight about fatigue management. We found your session insightful and since your session I have personally recommended your session to other clients!
Training Attendee
The information on sleep and stress was invaluable. I think this course should be given to all management and shift crews! Refreshing to have a presentation with passion and good presence. Obviously you love what you do - it shows!
Steve Minshall, CSP, CIH, corporate director, health and safety
This was an excellent workshop, well-presented and organized. It looks like the topic of fatigue management is growing at this year’s conference with several presentations on-tap conference schedule. If you have the opportunity, try to catch one of Susan’s talks or one of her workshops. She is down-to-earth, practical and passionate about this work.
Sharon Siu, University of Calgary Student (OHS Program)
Of all of my ten plus professors I have had in completing my OH&S certificate program, Susan has proven herself as a top lecturer. Susan is incredibly knowledgeable of industry regulations and communicates this information in a fun and educational manner that students of all ages and backgrounds can appreciate and effectively understand. I am grateful for having the opportunity to learn from her and would easily recommend her to any individual and or organization seeking effective learning strategies and career development.
Ali Heighton, Program Coordinator, IBEW Local 37, Fredericton, NB
Susan is truly a genuine and caring person with an obvious passion for what she does. Not only that, but the quality of the workshop was excellent, and she expertly wove in different types of multimedia, interactive activities, and discussions to ensure the group was engaged for the whole day.
Training Attendee
Best flow in a presentation ever! I enjoyed the day and found the content helpful and relevant to the world I live in; we all live in. Excellent day!
Jenny Bruns, Safety Officer, County of Barrhead
I had feedback from many staff after Susan's presentation who said they really enjoyed the presentation and learned something from it, not only in relation to work safety, but also personal and family health. I have already recommended her to my fellow safety officers, and I would highly recommend Susan’s presentation to anyone. Her knowledge in the subject of Fatigue Management and ability to connect with the audience made for a great meeting!
Ghislaine Haitel, University of Calgary Student
This is the best course I have taken in the 'fundamentals' so far. To be honest, I am a tradesman at heart and was not looking forward to this class. Your instruction style, the thoughtful assignments and topics that you have us work on have been challenging (which I love) and have changed my attitude toward management. What I have learned from your instruction has already drastically improved my ability to understand and communicate more effectively with managers. I really hope I get to take another of your classes, as you are by far the best instructor I have had to date. Again, thank you for making this experience so insightful and educational.
Patrick K, Emergency Response Assistance Canada
We completed our post-conference debriefing and reviewed our conference survey results and I wanted to pass on that there were many positive comments noted about your presentation specifically, you ranked up there with the keynote Rick Hansen presentation. Thank you again for presenting at our conference.
Tanya P, BPE MA MEd CCC LCT-NB, University of New Brunswick
This was one of the top 5 one hour webinars I have ever done, and I have done well over a hundred. Great topic. More importantly, Susan Sawatzky is a knowledgeable, approachable, and excellent facilitator!