Human Risk Factors:Solutions for Your Company

Discover Why Your Company Needs Fatigue Competency Training
Training & Workshops
Supervisor Fatigue Training Workshops
These workshops are designed to provide your supervisors the knowledge and tools they need to assess and manage fatigue in your workplace. Strategic tools for assessing worker fatigue and approaches for managing it on the job empower your supervisors to understand and mitigate fatigue risk.
Worker Fatigue Training Workshops
Worker fatigue can lead to workplace health and safety issues. You train your workers on other workplace hazards, train them to be able to manage fatigue impairment. Worker training can be a critical part of a changing your workplace culture and creating a comprehensive Fatigue Risk Management Strategy.
Harassment Prevention Training Workshops
Harassment and workplace bullying creates negative work environments and can greatly impact your overall corporate culture and business goals. This training addresses legislative requirements and teaches your employees how to manage conflict and create a respectful workplace.
Stress Management Workshops
These workshops are designed to build stress resiliency within your employees. They focus on understanding what causes stress and developing positive strategies to build resiliency and better manage stress both at work and at home. Workshops can be customized based on your timelines and needs. Practical tools and strategic approaches are provided throughout the workshop.
Senior Leadership Awareness
Through our Five Step Strategic Approach,we provide the senior leadership team in your organization the background information they need to better support and endorse a risk-based approach to Human Risk Factors including fatigue, stress, harassment and workplace bullying, psychological health and safety, and other related challenges.
Supervisor Training
We can provide your supervisors the tools they need to assess and manage harassment and workplace violence, psychological health and safety, and other related Human Risk Factors. Call us and ask us how we can personalize these training sessions to fit your company’s needs.
Employee Safety Training
We offer your company a variety of training solutions. From online training to event presentations, lunch-and-learns, and conference keynotes, we can give your employees the information they need to work safely. All of our training sessions can be customized to fit the needs of your employees.
Supervisor Training Supported by the Canada Job Grant
In today's fast-paced work world, frontline supervisors play a crucial role in a company's success. The way they lead and support their teams has become more vital than ever. Our leadership training is centered on equipping supervisors with the essential skills to lead in a workplace that values the significance of employee mental health and well-being, contributing to the creation of a safe, productive, and thriving work environment.
We all recognize it's not just about rules and procedures; it's about understanding and supporting the people who make everything happen. What sets our training apart is our unique approach, guiding supervisors in acquiring skills through engaging hands-on activities and practical real-life examples. This distinctive methodology not only imparts theoretical knowledge but also ensures that supervisors gain tangible experience in fostering trust within their teams.
Our Supervisor Training program is also eligible for the Canada Alberta Job Grant (CAJG), a subsidy initiative by the Government of Alberta designed to enhance workforce skills. Through this program, eligible employers can receive financial assistance, covering up to two-thirds of the training costs for their employees. This support is incredible for employers, enabling them to strategically invest in their workforce and foster the development of critical skills that drive employee excellence and organizational growth.
Lunch‘n Learns
We offer a variety of lunch and learn topics to engage your employees and expand their skills and knowledge. Current lunch and learn presentations include:
Lunch’n Learns are an excellent way to provide engaging sessions on interesting topics during a time period when employees can relax and enjoy the information. We offer a variety of Lunch’n Learn topics to engage your employees and expand their skills and knowledge. If you are interested in a Lunch’n Learn session, please contact us to see how we can customize our sessions to fit your company’s needs. Current lunch and learn presentations include:
Corporate Lunch'n Learns
How To Sleep Your Way To Success Fatigue Management Lunch’n Learn #1 – Corporate presentation appropriate for a low risk environment
Shift Work: How Not To Be The Walking Zombie Fatigue Management Lunch’n Learn #2 - Shift Work appropriate for a high risk environment
Event and Keynote Presentations
Topics will be fully customized to your conference/event attendees:
Waking Up to Fatigue Factors in the Workplace
Sleep is one of our basic biological needs, yet it is often the one we know the least about. Fatigued workers can be a significant occupational safety hazard but Fatigue Management Competency Training can help to improve one's ability to manage fatigue. This session empowers both organizations and individuals to understand the science behind fatigue, how fatigue impacts a workplace, and the current best practices used to effectively manage it.

‘Stressed for Success’ Building Stress Resiliency
Are your employees feeling stressed? They are not alone! In fact, stress impacts many of us with 47% of employed Canadians considering work to be the most stressful part of their lives and 1 in 4 feeling that they are constantly dealing with moderate to high levels of stress.
Stress is often something we feel we cannot control, yet there are many things we can do to improve how stress impacts our lives. How we view stress is a key factor in dealing with it. By better understanding what causes us stress and how we react to it, we can develop stronger coping strategies and increase our resiliency.
Proactive employers are beginning to recognize the importance of stress management as research shows every dollar invested in stress prevention is worth $2 - $6 future savings. By better understanding and managing the things that cause us stress, everyone can learn to better handle and manage the stress in their lives.
This session is focused on helping everyone better understand stress in their work and personal lives, and provides insight into the multifaceted approaches that can be used to better manage it. This session will be specifically tailored to best fit your work environment.
Shift Work: How Not to Be the Walking Zombie

Did you know that that a worker who is sleep deprived is almost 3X more likely to cause a workplace incident or that unmanaged fatigue contributes to diabetes, obesity and heart disease? Those who work shiftwork understand fatigue on a daily basis. They know unmanaged fatigue can have a significant impact on safety, health, social relationships and…just about everything else.
When work and/or personal requirements cause us to extend our normal waking hours, it is important to recognize the health and safety issues that are created. This session will dispel common myths about sleep, bring forth little known facts, and give many useful and practical strategies that shift workers can use to better manage fatigue.
Having a strategic plan for dealing with fatigue can help workers to take control and proactively manage their risks. Everyone attending should feel more aware and empowered to better manage their fatigue at work and at home and should have a new ‘toolbox of fatigue strategies’ to assist them in better managing the demands of shiftwork.
This session is intended for shift workers and their supervisors. It is designed create awareness and empower workers to better manage their fatigue at work and at home.
How to Sleep Your Way to Success (Alternate presentation titles available)
Want to lose weight, reduce stress, improve your health and be safer at work? There is one simple solution - get more sleep! Sleep is integral to our safety and our health, but it is often something we know relatively little about. This session focuses on helping you better understand how fatigue can impact safety and how sleep is often as important as nutrition and exercise in determining our overall health and wellness.
This engaging presentation strives to offer both a health and wellness and a safety perspective. For those who work in a corporate environment Read More

A Risk Based Approach to Fatigue Management
Many organizations intuitively recognize that fatigue influences worker impairment and increases the likelihood of incidents occurring. Traditional approaches to fatigue impairment have focused on workers implementing individual countermeasures, relying on the worker’s ability to assess and manage fatigue. This is akin to relying solely on administrative and PPE controls to mitigate hazards. It relies a great deal on enhanced safety culture and an impaired workers ability to self-assess and then implement proper processes and countermeasures.
A risk-based approach to fatigue management focuses on organizational factors dictated by data-driven assessment and decision making that is then fully integrated into existing safety management systems. This Read More
Psychological Health and Safety in Your Workplace
Stress and other mental health issues cost the Canadian economy an estimated $33 billion a year in lost productivity, not to mention billions more in medical costs, disability management, workplace errors and more. No wonder 83% of Canadian employers rank stress as a top risk factor for their workforce. These proactive employers recognize the importance to invest in human capital; it makes good business sense as research demonstrates that every dollar invested in stress prevention is worth $2 - $6 in future savings. We know that stress, and other psychosocial factors have a strong impact on our workplace, but how do we work to better manage it? What can we do to improve mental health in our work environments? The answer – Plenty! And it’s not that hard to do.
This presentation is designed to empower key stakeholders to better understand stress and other mental health factors in a work environment. It provides an overview of what things cost stress in a work environment and provides insight into strategies that help employees better manage stress and work life balance.
This presentation is targeted to senior leaders, HR, health and safety, supervisors and managers, JHSC members and other key stakeholders working to improve the psychological health and safety in the organization.

Eye on Fatigue – Moving Beyond Compliance
More and more organizations are becoming aware of the health and safety implications of fatigue in the workplace. There is both intuitive and empirical evidence available to demonstrate health and safety risks related to fatigue. Knowing that sleep deprived employees are almost 3 times more likely to cause a workplace accident, and that over 20% of fatal collisions involve driver fatigue, it's no wonder fatigue is considered one of the top five causal factors in workplace incidents and has made the National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB) top 10 most wanted safety improvements list every year from its inception.
This session is focused on arming safety leaders with the background information they need to better understand the risks and mitigation strategies for effective fatigue management. It will provide a solid business case identifying key business drivers for implementation of comprehensive strategies. It operates on the assumption of management and worker co-responsibilities for effective fatigue management by identifying the organizational requirements, as well as worker strategies, to be implemented.
This session is focused on safety personnel, safety committees, mangers, or senior leaders who want to better understand the risks associated with fatigue.
Emotionally Intelligent Leadership. How Does Your EQ Influence Your Safety Leadership?
You may have heard the buzz about emotional intelligence, or EQ, the concept that we can measure and even improve our skills in managing our emotions and creating relationships with others. In practical terms, this means we can learn to increase our ability to manage our own emotions, and then enhance our impact on others, developing stronger relationships. But how can our EQ be developed to influence safety?
Emotional intelligence is a proven concept that has been shown to improve our leadership potential. By understanding the brain science and basic learned behaviours, we can learn to improve our existing EQ to Read More

Event, Conference and Keynote Presentations Given
ASSP National conference | 2021 | Austin TX |
NASA | 2021 | (All Agencies via Webinar) |
HP Hood Fatigue Leadership Training | 2021 | (via Webinar) |
Fleet Safety Leadership Council | 2021 | (via Webinar) |
Mercer Celgar Pulp Mill Fatigue Leadership Training | 2021 | (via Webinar) |
The Podclass Podcast on fatigue management for teachers | 2021 | pre recorded |
NASA (Plum Brook Research Center) | 2019 | Ohio |
NASA (Glenn Research Center) | 2019 | Ohio |
RUSA (Rural Utilities and Safety Association) | 2019 | Red Deer |
BCCSA (British Columbia Construction Safety Association) | 2019 | Vancouver |
PENSKE Logistics (Two Day Executive Management Seminar) | 2019 | Houston |
NASA (Johnson Space Centre) (Opening Keynote) | 2018 | Houston |
ASSP (American Society of Safety Professionals) | 2018 | San Antonio |
Direct Delivery Industry Leadership Council (Keynote) | 2018 | Minneapolis |
Missouri Mining Conference (Keynote) | 2018 | Osage Beach |
Alberta Hospitality Industry Conference (Opening Keynote) | 2018 | Jasper |
Alberta Securities Commission | 2018 | Calgary |
IBEW Spring Conference | 2018 | Saint John |